350 grams oranges (peeled)
350 grams sweet apples (Golden Delicious)
300 grams carrots
250 grams sugar

Clean and cook the carrots until tender (about 20 minutes), then mash all of the fruit (washed, but not pealed apples, cleaned oranges and slightly cooled carrots) into a puree with a masher or a blender. Put the fruit puree into a large heavy-based saucepan, add 50 ml of water and bring to a boil (on medium temperature). Simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Put in the sugar and stir over medium heat until the sugar has completely dissolved.
Bring to a boil, and then boil for about 20 minutes, stirring often. Raise the heat and boil for another 5 minutes. Test for setting point by spooning a little bit of jam onto a chilled plate. After a minute, push your finger through the jam on the plate and if the surface wrinkles, it’s ready; if it doesn’t, keep cooking and testing until you’re satisfied. (If you have a sugar thermometer it should reach 105˚C.) Remove from the heat, leave for about 5 minutes, and then pour into sterilised jars and seal.