Holiday time is gift time, and what better gift to give then an edible one? Truffles are generally really easy to make, and they are always a hit at parties and gatherings. These are so smooth and delicious, because of the white chocolate and double cream. I strongly recommend using real white chocolate, with cocoa butter. It tastes so much better, and gives the truffles such a rich taste. And the gingerbread cookies can only make everything better. I also recommend tasting the batter before letting it chill for the first time, just in case you want the truffles to be more cinnamony.

150 grams soft unsalted butter, dairy or vegan
100 grams white chocolate or vegan white chocolate
100 ml double cream or plant-based double cream
2 tablespoons icing sugar, sifted
½ teaspoon vanilla bean paste
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder
300 grams gingerbread cookie crumbs
300 grams cooking chocolate, for coating
Melt the white chocolate with the double cream over low heat (or in the microwave), then set it aside to cool. Beat the softened butter with an electric mixer on high, for about 2-3 minutes, until lighter in colour and creamy, then pour in the cooled chocolate, and blend it really well. It is very important that the chocolate has cooled enough, because it can and will melt the butter if it is too hot. Add in the icing sugar, cocoa powder, vanilla, and the spices, and blend again. Add the cookie crumbs, and blend one final time.
The batter should be very soft and pliable, but far too sticky to work with right away. Let the batter cool in the refrigerator for about an hour. Take out the chilled batter, then form the truffles using a tablespoon measure. Arrange them on a cookie sheet, and return them to the refrigerator to firm up, for another hour or so. You can even freeze the shaped truffles if your kitchen is hot. Melt and temper the chocolate, then take the truffles out of the refrigerator (or freezer), quickly coat them in chocolate, sprinkle with some additional cookie crumbs if you wish, and serve. Yields 25 truffles.