Growing up, it was a true delight to spend weekends on my paternal grandparents’ estate. They had a garden, a large orchard, an apiary, and true respect for nature and everything it gives to us. Every year my grandfather would make his famed plum brandy from the best, ripest fruit, and the ones that weren’t up to par, they would lay out in the sun to dry out, preserving them for the winter months. Everything they made mirrored how they lived – unburdened, respectful, and wholesome.
And even though my grandmother doesn’t make as many desserts as she used to, there are a few that are on the table very frequently. Usually quite simple, humble if you wish, but always flavourful and aromatic, with as little sugar as possible.
Fragrant, sticky prunes, ground walnuts, sweet, sweet honey; all natural, organic, full of nutrients, and such a delight to enjoy with a cup of coffee. They don’t need any adornment, as they are beautiful and delicious all on their own, but for some additional sweetness, feel free to enrobe them in extra dark chocolate.

200 grams soft prunes, stones removed
100 grams toasted walnuts, ground
20 grams raw honey
1 teaspoon unsweetened cocoa powder
2 teaspoons dark rum
½ teaspoon vanilla
Place the prunes into a small bowl, pour over the hot water, and let them soak for about 10 minutes. This will make them softer, and much easier to blend. Take a medium bowl, add in the ground walnuts and the cocoa powder, and whisk them together. Once the prunes are ready, place them into the blender, add in the dry ingredients, honey, vanilla, and rum, and blend until everything comes together into a ball in the.
Carefully transfer the batter into a medium bowl and squeeze it with your hands, practically gently kneading it, until it comes together. Since the batter will still be warm at that point, it will be easy to shape. Quickly take out walnut-sized pieces of the batter, and shape them into truffles. In case they start getting a tad sticky, wet your hands with a bit of cold water, and continue. Let them cool completely in the refrigerator, and serve with strong coffee. Yields 15 truffles.